There are two major categories of categorical outcomes with more than two possible outcomes:
## Loading stata kernel in jupyter notebook, using python code
import ipystata
from ipystata.config import config_stata
config_stata('C:\Program Files (x86)\Stata14\StataSE-64.exe')
For this session, we learn about multinomial models by replicating one of Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham, titled Understanding strategic choice The determinants of civil war and nonviolent campaign in self-determination disputes
Read the abstract of the paper; what is the main argument of this paper?
*Set the format of printed coeffients and p-values
set cformat %5.2f
set pformat %5.2f
*Load th data:
use "", clear
Variable strategic2 is the strategy choice of self-determination movements.
strategic2 is coded as follwo:
Let's start with summarizing and plotting this variable:
des strategic2
sum strategic2 if active==1
tab strategic2 if active==1
hist strategic2, freq scheme(plotplain) addlabel
This study investigates the effect of a set of variables on the stratgeic choice of self-detemrination movements between conventional politics and different types of contencious politics. The list of regressors:
Formally, we want to estimate the below model: $$strategic2=\alpha_0~democracy+\alpha_1~instab+\alpha_2~loggdppc+\alpha_3~logSDsize_relative+\alpha_4~groupcon+\alpha_5~kin+$$ $$\alpha_6~logfactions+\alpha_7~indep+\alpha_8~excluded+\alpha_9~avgecdis+\alpha_{10}~logpop+\alpha_{11}~last3years\_nvcampaign+\alpha_{12}~last3years\_civilwar1000+\epsilon$$
How do you estimate this model? Let's start with an OLD estimation:
reg strategic2 i.democracy instab loggdppc logSDsize_relative groupcon kin logfactions indep excluded avgecdis logpop last3years_nvcampaign last3years_civilwar1000 if active==1, cluster(kgcid)
outreg2 using Cunningham_2013.xls, replace ctitle(OLS)
predict e_hat, residuals
histogram e_hat, fraction normal kdensity scheme(plotplain)
predict y_hat, xb
histogram y_hat, fraction scheme(plotplain) xline(0 1 2 3)
Since the outcome variable is categorical, we expected to experience some issues after using OLS method for estimation our model. Previous sessions, logit and probit models were discussed in class for categorical outcomes with exactly two possible outcomes. Last session, you also learned about ordered logit model. Let's estimate above model using ordered logit estimation method:
ologit strategic2 i.democracy instab loggdppc logSDsize_relative groupcon kin logfactions indep excluded avgecdis logpop last3years_nvcampaign last3years_civilwar1000 if active==1, cluster(kgcid) nolog
These results mean, $$ y=\begin{cases} 0~~~~if~~~~y^* \leq 1.85 \\ 1~~~~if~~~~1.85<y^* \leq 2.12 \\ 2~~~~if~~~~2.12<y^* \leq 7.64 \\ 3~~~~if~~~~7.64<y^* \end{cases} $$
The probability of a given observation for ordered logit is:
$$ p_{ij}=Pr(y_j=i)=Pr(k_{i-1}<X_j\beta+u\leq k_i)\\ ~~~~~~=\frac{1}{1+exp(-k_i+X_j\beta)}-\frac{1}{1+exp(-k_{i-1}+X_j\beta)}\\ $$ $k_0$ is defined as $-\infty$ and $k_k$ as $+\infty$.
For ordered probit, the probability of a given observation is
$$ p_{ij}=Pr(y_j=i)=Pr(k_{i-1}<X_j\beta+u\leq k_i)\\ ~~~~~~=\Phi(k_i-X_j\beta)-\Phi(k_{i-1}-x_j\beta) $$ where $\Phi(.)$ is the cdf of standard normal distribution.
Here, we make a critical assumption. Using ologit/oprobit, it is assumed that the association between each pair of outcome groups is the same, know as proportional odds assumption. We can brant test to evaluate this assumnption.
hist strategic3, freq scheme(plotplain) addlabel
ologit strategic3 i.democracy instab loggdppc logSDsize_relative groupcon kin logfactions indep excluded avgecdis logpop last3years_nvcampaign last3years_civilwar1000 if active==1, cluster(kgcid) nolog
One implication of the violation of proportional odds assumption is that $p_{ik} \neq p_{ik+1}$ that is $ x_i\beta_k \neq x_i\beta_{k+1}$ for at least one $k$.
For the sake of simplicity, assume there are three categorical outcomes. The probability of a given observation for ordered logit is:
$$ ln\frac{Pr(Y_i=1)}{Pr(Y_i=3)}=\beta_1.X_i \\ ln\frac{Pr(Y_i=2)}{Pr(Y_i=3)}=\beta_2.X_i $$
Then, $$ Pr(Y_i=1)=Pr(Y_i=3)e^{\beta_1.X_i} \\ Pr(Y_i=2)=Pr(Y_i=3)e^{\beta_2.X_i} \\ Pr(Y_i=3)=1-Pr(Y_i=1)-Pr(Y_i=2) $$
We can show that,
$$ Pr(Y_i=1)=\frac{e^{\beta_1.X_i}}{e^{\beta_1.X_i}+e^{\beta_2.X_i}+e^{\beta_3.X_i}} \\ Pr(Y_i=2)=\frac{e^{\beta_2.X_i}}{e^{\beta_1.X_i}+e^{\beta_2.X_i}+e^{\beta_3.X_i}} \\ Pr(Y_i=3)=\frac{e^{\beta_3.X_i}}{e^{\beta_1.X_i}+e^{\beta_2.X_i}+e^{\beta_3.X_i}} $$
(You easily extend above math to an outcome with k unordered categorical variable.)
We need to estimate above equations. However, there is a problem here. By estimating $\beta_1$, $\beta_2$, and $\beta_3$, the model is unidentified. Why?
To resolve this issue, we can arbitrarily set one of $\beta_1$, $\beta_2$, and $\beta_3$ to zero. Above probabilities, therefore, can be re-written as follow: $$ Pr(Y_i=1)=\frac{1}{1+e^{\beta_2.X_i}+e^{\beta_3.X_i}} \\ Pr(Y_i=2)=\frac{e^{\beta_2.X_i}}{1+e^{\beta_2.X_i}+e^{\beta_3.X_i}} \\ Pr(Y_i=3)=\frac{e^{\beta_3.X_i}}{1+e^{\beta_2.X_i}+e^{\beta_3.X_i}} $$
In fact, given this normalization, you will find the prbability of outcome 2 and 3 relative to the probability of outcome 1, as your base outcome.
mlogit strategic2 democracy instab loggdppc logSDsize_relative groupcon kin logfactions indep excluded avgecdis logpop last3years_nvcampaign last3years_civilwar1000 if active==1, cluster(kgcid) nolog
We can change the baseline probability in STATA by adding base(outcome=0,1,2,...) as an option to the mlogit estimation:
mlogit strategic2 democracy instab loggdppc logSDsize_relative groupcon kin logfactions indep excluded avgecdis logpop last3years_nvcampaign last3years_civilwar1000 if active==1, cluster(kgcid) base(3) nolog
quietly mlogit strategic2 democracy instab loggdppc logSDsize_relative groupcon kin logfactions indep excluded avgecdis logpop last3years_nvcampaign last3years_civilwar1000 if active==1, cluster(kgcid)
quietly margins, at( loggdppc =(3.5(.5)10.5))
marginsplot, scheme(plotplain)
This is a famous concept in choice theory, see here.
The intuition behind this assumption is straighforward. An individual's decision between options $x$ and $y$ is independent from option $z$. In othwer words, an individual's ranking of $x$ and $y$ should not change if we introduce option z.
In our example, it is assumed that a self-determination group's ranking of nonviolent resitance and civil war will not be affected if we allow them to participate in conventional politics. What do you think? Is it a reasonable assumption? Can you offer a strategy to intuitively evaluate this assumption?
see here, for a discussion of IIA in statistical analysis. .